Video: Pierogi - Polske dumplings
Pierogi - Polske dumplingsKøkken:
25 minutter
15 minutter
Antal personer:
3 spsk
1 Havsalt
225 gram
1.4 Havsalt
1 spsk
5 first ingredients are for mashed potato filling, the other five for a dough.
Mashed potato filling:
Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat.
Stir in the onion and cook together about 5 minutes until translucent.
Then stir into the mashed potatoes and add salt and pepper.
Beat the eggs together with a sour cream until they are smooth.
Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder then stir into the sour cream mixture until dough comes together.
Using your fingertips, knead the dough on a lightly soured surface until it becomes less sticky but still quite moist.
Divide the dough in half and roll out one half to 1/8 inch thickness.
Use a 2 inch round cutter to cut circles of dough.
Repeat with the other half of the dough.
It is important to save the scraps, from which then you can make another rounded pieces.
To fill the pierogi:
Place a small spoonful of the mashed potato filling into the center of each round.
Gently fold the dough over, forming a pocket around the filling.
Press the edges together with a fork or fingers.
Repeat the procedure with the remaining dough and mashed potato filling.
Use a large pot of lightly salted boiling water.
Add dumplings and cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until they will float to the top.
Remove with a slotted spoon.
Enjoy your meal! :)
If you don't have 2 inch round cutter use a glass. Pushing it into a dough in up-site down position you can easily cut rounded pieces from the dough.
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